Sunday, February 10, 2013

Eared cap Pattern and too many Yeungling's at Standing Stone

 Basic Pattern pieces

 inside front of the hood

Front of hood attached to side panel and front gusset

Layout of the back of the cap....3 gussets sewn in

   So here is the Basic "Galban" pattern for the Eared cap. Pretty simple construction, I simply did a running stitch onall the seams and used blanket weight white wool. Next is to finish My canadian cap and new mittens...Like I need more stuff stashed around the house.
      To add something historic to this Here is a quote from "Fithian's Journal" about coming into Standing Stone (present day Huntingdon,Pa)  Funny part is...This is still sounds alot like Central Pa today...
Monday Aug 21 1775

As I drew near I could not help thinking myself on the borders of some large town. There was a drum beating;  several antic-loud singers; every now and then a most vociferous laugh,and candles thinly scattered, shining here and there from the houses. I expected to find one of our American Bedlams. These small towns especially when they are growing fast, and a new thing go before every other plae in most sort of vice; but especially in drinking, and a few of its nearest allied attenadnts. 

I had cautiously put on my riding coat, to disguise the clerical cloth, for I was not certain that I should escape some religious or blackguard embarrassment, for too much liquor makes many “over wicked.” But it makes some “over good,” and sets them in a tune to ask more questions in divinity, especially explanations of parts of scripture that inexperienced I or indeed and docter in divinity in America could have patience, if he had the ability, to resolve…Before I came within a mile of town, I put on my surtout and cocked up my hat in the best manner. “you seem to be a stranger,” said a tall youngster to me as I put my first foot upon the porch. “Is the hostler here?” I Asked “are you from below, stranger”  “Bring in the saddle bag and let the horse cool before you give him a gallon of oats.” “are you a stranger sir?” “Yes sir.”  “A stranger,” I could hear one and another whispering about me on the porch; some thought I was one of the delegates appointed to the treaty with the Indians which is soon to be held at Fort Pitt; some thought I was a land Jobber; some that I was a broken, absconding merchant, some thought I was a tory flying from mob stick vengeance. I supped, however and soon retired.”

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