Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I bought a broken knife....why does that make me so happy?

Mittens from Kannick's Korner Pattern

Profile of original knife handle

Original knife...full tang 3 pins

Native site Barrel band Pot hook

So winter is here and in my part of the world that means…No Snow. So far we’ve been lucky (or unlucky to the guy with the new sled) and been missed by pretty much all of the big storms. So as a result I had to tweak my winter scout plans and really pared back on what I took. I’ll write more up on this later as right now time is a factor for me. I was able to spend A LOT of the “xmass” break in the woods and have to say most of my new gear really worked out well in the bitter cold.
One Project I finally finished was a pair of mittens. I cut these out about 3 years ago and they sat in my project bin until just before xmass. I made them from thick Brown wool fabric and used the Kannick’s Korner Pattern for them. I have found both Mittens and gloves being purchased by Morgan’s hunters So I opted for Mittens. I attached a “dummy string” to mine so that well….I don’t lose one. I really recommend the Kannick’s Korner Patterns for anyone wanting to either upgrade their gear or just try their hand at hand sewing. The Patterns include instructions on basic stitches and all the documentation they have for the item. www.kannikskorner.com/pataccess.htm

In between projects and hunting over the past few weeks I’ve been doing as much reading as possible. I started rereading “Forty-Four Years of the Life of a Hunter” By Meshach Browning. I find when I reread books a few times I pick up little details I missed the first 10 times lol. I also picked up a few “Shire Books” on sewing equipment and money. These Little booklets are chocked full of information and images of originals. You can learn a lot on everything from clay pipes to knives and the Bibliographies are great. Many historic sites carry these books (usually near the toys but they aren’t just kids books). Check out their site the books are inexpensive and worth the money. Shire books http://www.shirebooks.co.uk/home.aspx these are awesome to read on a lunch break.

Another Book I picked up over the holidays was “Some Thoughts on Scouts and Spies” By Gerry Barker. I’ve been able to spend some time in the woods with Gerry and He’s a great guy and really knows his stuff. Gerry’s book is a blend of his real world military experiences and historical info that is meant to help folks who wish to portray an 18th century “spy”. I feel though it’s useful to anyone portraying frontier militia/hunter/native. One Paragraph that really struck me as relevant in the “msg board” world:
“Most of us are not very realistic in our choice of the materials of scouting. For some reason there is more interest in filling our packs than there is in filling our list of skills. Consequently we are over armed, over equipped, and over fed.”
I know I’ve been guilty of this quite a few times on scouts/marches. I picked up my copy from Bob Browder at Longhunter Leather Company. So if you’re looking to get a copy drop Bob an email I’m pretty sure he has more in stock.
Also one more Item I picked up before the holidays was another original Knife. This one has a broken blade but the kewl thing about it is a lot of the handle was still attached. It has a full tang and the handle was held on with three pins. I was also able to pick up a barrel band Pot hook. That’s right a native site pot hook. I have seen these from euro military sites but never a native site (or else I just never noticed) anyhow I’ve posted a pic.
Oh and In the self promotion department I was recently approved for the 18th Century Artisan Show in Lewisburg, Pa on February 4 & 5th. This will be my first year at the show but I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. If your at the show stop by and say hi. I’m sure the usual cast of misfits will be hanging around the table (Crowder will be the one with his head in a book or looking into space trying to figure out how to sew an 18th century hot air balloon)

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