Monday, October 4, 2010

I hate haversacks...and Me...pix part 2

Detail from Hogarth's series "four times of day....Morning".....what apears to be wallets slung over belts carried by young guys

Hemp wallet held in place by canteen strap during hunt.

Large wallet slung over itself and pushed back out of the way. haversack/tumpline all on one


  1. Nathan,
    check Zoffany's Porter and the hare for similar kiddo bags- IMO not likely a wallet per se, but similar ones show up on kids in 18thc images.

  2. Nathan, even if I'm mad at you for not showing up at Dobbs this weekend, I have a couple images/references to rather large market-wallet looking bags that were tossed over the withers of a horse in front of the rider, not behind like saddle bags. If I can find them (and that may be the challenge), I'll send 'em your way. -- Wynne

  3. Any good SOLID proof of the wallet of this LARGE size? I know of mentions of "large" wallets, but large is a relative term. Large for one person is not so large for another ;-) He he he

    Seriously though. I love wallets (hauled ears of corn and a few watermelons into an event this past weekend with one) and I love large bags (my French Havresac rocks when portraying marine). I would love a wallet of this size!


  4. Ike,
    I have a description of a wlalet used by a house breaker ALan Gutchess dug up years ago and this thing has to be well as a few other descriptions that show wallets that physics would require to be over 6 feet...that is unless everyone was smaller back then...

  5. But EVERYONE WAS smaller back then ;-) Especially voyageurs out here... he he he

    Cool to here. I am tempted to get my wife and kids out on the trail in the future and a wallet that would double as a tick would be LOVED by my wife!! Heck, I love a big bag and normally have not enough room in my wallet at its current size.
