Wednesday, August 25, 2010

South Union Mills....stockings review

SO I'm trying to post as much as possible and still keep the info usefull. SO here is something that most of us can use. Anyone that walks more then from the car to the event knows how horrible Bad stockings can be. they eat your feet up, Farb your gear up and well just plain suck. Well last summer I ordered a skillet from CHris Utely (the skillet rocks BTW ) and he thru in a pair of his STockings for me to try out. I guess he heard how I can break down 18th century gear like no one else (i think it's my basic 18th century diet of deer meat and beer but anyway...)
I got the stockings right before the "phillip's Massacre" tactical I hosted so I was able to get about a week in the field out of the stockings right off the bat. The held up great and didnt eat my feet like some knit stockings I had owned. THe stockings were a little on the thick side But they held up. In all honesty they acted as a type of Stocking legging so the thickness worked.
I wore the stockings the rest of the year heading out a number of time to my camp for 2-4 day camp out and they held up great. Thru the spring I wore the stockings every day at the historic site I worked at and even in mocs the stockings still haven't broken down.
Last weekend I was able to see some of Chris's newer stockings (thiner) and I have to say that they look great from an authenticity standpoint and they seem to be the same quality as the pair I've been wearing for over a year now. SO for anyone that does any "scouts" or walks more then 100 yards at an event Get these stockings! my only complaint is that my first pair havent worn out yet so I can turn them into STocking leggings with a pair of his thin weight stockings underneath.

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