Monday, November 8, 2010

the WM3 dont care about bullet boards

Rabble rabble rabble…..did that make sense? Well it shouldn’t have. That’s what my fiancé and daughters say I sound like when I’m focused on…well anything. I’m pissy and mean and say hurtful stuff to…well anyone. It’s tough being Me some days LOL. SO today I got pissed about a lot of shit and while writing 2 blogs (1 on leggings and the other on trousers) I came back the usual shit. And for me one big thing is the West Memphis Three. So ok I know this is odd but hear me out…….ok so I donated my $ in the month of Oct to the WM3 defense fund it for the first time in awhile didnt really amount to shit. Yes I said SHIT….its ok I’m a professional. So I figured I’d do another blog post about the WM3 and scream…..Please if you can donate anything ($, time, facebook space) to these young men. They need our help.

Look if your on the fence please check out the Documentary "paradise lost"

these young men need our help......

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