Saturday, October 23, 2010

Native Workshops at Fort Niagara

If you take my class you learn how to weave with children on your back!

You'll be able to teach Babies to weave!
you can also learn to:
weave in a car!
weave on an airplane!
weave in a Bar ! (ya know you were thinking it...crowder.. you bastard)
weave during a steelers game!
and weave during family holiday gatherings.... and still feign interest! ACT now!
I'm totaly gona weave a snuggy...

ANYHOW....For anyone interested I'll be giving a talk on fingerweaving at Old Fort Niagara in a few weeks. There are also some other GREAT talks being given by Mike Galban, Ward Oles and Eric Schatzel (i dont know the beading lady but I'm sure the class is top notch and well worth it) contact old Fort Niagara if your interested.

Native Workshop Series

November 2010

Proudly hosted by Old Fort Niagara
in the Officer’s Club Building

Learn the necessary skills that 18th and early 19th century Native Americans used in
making their accutrements and various other adornments under the instruction of some
of the best craftsmen available. Materials for all classes are provided.
Participants will get to take home a finished craft.



with Rosie Hill

9:30am - 12:30pm
Cost: $30.00.
MAX: 20 people.



with Nathan Kobuck

9:00am - 12:00pm
Cost: $45.00
MAX: 10 people.

Optional lunch 8.00/person.


with Michael Galban

1:00pm - 4:00pm
Cost: $45.00
MAX: 10 people.



with Ward Oles

10:00am - 12:30pm
Cost: $50.00

- Very Reasonable!

MAX: 10 people.

Lunch provided.


with Eric Schatzel

2:00pm - 5:00pm
Cost: $30.00
MAX: 10 people

To make reservations, call Cindy Liddell at (716) 745-7611, ext. 230.
Prepayment is preferred.

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