Friday, August 13, 2010

Just thought this guy looked like he needed a little more eyeballing.....hat..crazy....items to be shipped..always need relooked that a rifle? has rifle guard and the tip looks like it needs a recheck. This is an image for Jim Kochan..I'll email him and see what he thinks.....the wrist looks crazy


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looks exactly like a German rifle, guard and all. Are these guys dismounted cavalry? They have two belt pistols, guards on their left forearms (sabers for the deflection of) and pretty nifty crash helmets in case they lose a stirrup.

  3. Check out the beltplate. It looks to have the number 8 on it.

  4. Nathan, where's this from? Are those bales of supplies behind the guy (cool all by themselves) with the letters for their recipients on them?

    And note the hi-los. This guy isn't an English partisan in India or Europe circa 1762 is he?

    But then there's the flat bottomed waist coat...
